The Three Switches
Don't drag the sliders, just click on them. On touch devices, don't move them with the fingers sideways, but touch them briefly and they will change.
Easy mode
This mode provides the essential information about a person. It is recommended to have the book "The God Code" to take full advantage of it. Pressing the Period buttons (48 h, Week, Month, 1/2 Year) will show you additional information over a period of time.
Graph mode
This mode shows you the Graph and is a graphical, condensed representation of all the data, usually for advanced users.
You can load different people from either the public or the private library in slot A and slot B. When you load the page, your own data is already loaded into both slots.
[] shows data for a single person (A or B). [] displays information about both people and their relationship. In [GRAPH] mode you can see a Graph-composite and in [EASY] mode you see the meters and a star-rating.
Basic Operation
The Main Search Box
The search box above the profile picture searches through names and locations when you enter a minimum of three characters. Then either click on one of the results or use the up/down-arrow-keys followed by [enter] to load a person. You can use many search objects by separating them with a space. It will search through names, city and country. If you enter "thom vienn" the software will find someone with "thom" and "vienn" in either the location or name. The obvious result would be everybody called Thomas in Vienna. If you type a slash [/] before the search query, only your private library will be searched. If you type [<] as the first letter, only names will be searched, if you type [>], only places will be searched, and if you type [$], only celebrities (public people) will be searched. So if you want to find all people from the Netherlands, you could type ">nether".
Storing new people

+ enter birth data +

To store a new person press the [NEW] button first (important!), otherwise you might edit an existing person that has been loaded before. After you have entered all the birth data, press [GO] and you should see the new data. To store it, press [SAVE]. A pop-up window will appear to enter the name, gender, and up to eight different optional tags. Tag names can be set via the menu [Tag-Names].
Editing existing people (including your own data)
Once you have loaded a person from the private library (including yourself), you can change the birth date and location with the main panel (followed by [GO]). Then click the [SAVE] button and in the following window you can change the name, gender, and tags, if necessary. To change the name of your own data, you have to go to Menu > Account.
The Period buttons
Under the profile picture are four buttons to calculate the motivation over time. This works in [EASY] and [GRAPH] (also for relationships in [GRAPH]). You can select 48 hours, Week, Month, or 1/2 Year (free version only 48 hours). The Graph will show the additional motivation in form of Channels for that period. Channels that are present longer are the brightest. Short Channels are darker. When you hover over a Channel with the mouse, you can see the percentage of how long it is present over the selected period. Channels that are available for less than 20% of the time period are filtered out. In [EASY] you can see the data under "Temporary Motivation" and the meters under "Motivation" will also include it (this time without the 20% filter).
Uploading Profile Pictures
First make sure the person is loaded for whom you would like to upload a picture (typing name in search box and select). Then click on the profile picture. A window will pop up letting you select a picture from your computer, up to 16MB in size. The picture will be automatically cropped to square proportions and converted to a small jpg, so make sure what you want to see is in the middle of the original photo you upload otherwise it will be cut off. With [REMOVE] you can remove a profile picture.
The Menu
This is for various functions, like making JPG's, and managing the account or stored people. It opens when you click on the menu button next to the search box at the top. If you have the free version, some might be greyed out and disabled.
The People Directory
Manage and browse through stored people (including many celebrities) with [People Directory] in the menu. At the top is a filter-box that lets you search through all names. It works in the same way as the main search box by accepting several search queries separated by space, looking through location and names. By default you see only everyone from your private library. When you enter at least 3 letters in the search box it will look through your private library, but this time also the public user directory. You could, for example, enter a town, state or country, and see all the people from there who are on the BaanTu system. If you type a slash [/] before the search query, only your private library will be searched. If you type [<] as the first letter, only names will be searched, if you type [>], only places will be searched, and if you type [$], only celebrities will be searched.

In addition, you can select up to two tags that you want to search for, in which case only your private library will be searched.
To see all public figures (celebrities), select [Famous] from the dropdown selector.
Select a person by clicking on it and it will load.
To delete people from your library, click on [EDIT] at the top left followed by the red delete buttons next to person's data. Once you've deleted it, click [DONE]. You can't delete your own data. To change your own name, go to the [Account] menu. It won't work from within the [SAVE] function for your own data.
There is a search mode, which allows you to search for any combination of triangles, hexagons or circles. Next to every person in the People Directory, you can see a number with a dash in the middle. An example would be 213-333. By typing in 6 digits with a dash in the middle, you can search for certain combinations, but you can also use * as a wildcard. For example to people who have a 3 on the body triangle and a 3 in the mind circle, you type in **3-**3. Of course you can use all the other things in addition to this. You can type "2**-**3 moscow" into the search box, select "Female" from the dropdown and tick "New First" and "Picture".
Occasionally you can see a little plus or minus next to the picture, which indicates a substantial motivation (+) or domination (-) related to your Life Role.
Here you change your account name, home location, email address, and password. You can also see how long your current subscription is valid and what type of account you have. You can update your credit card (if you have an active subscription). You can also close your account here, in which case no refunds will be given for time still left on a subscription. If you cancel a subscription, it will still be active until the end of the period and then not automatically renew. For any changes to your account, you must fill in your existing password before pressing [Change]. You must use your real name as written in your passport. Only use one surname (unless it's a double name with a dash), one first name, and no titles. The first name may be as nickname. The profile picture should be a recent portrait picture of you, showing your face well and large. Full-body pictures make your face too small and will be deleted. BaanTu reserves the right to delete your account without warning if you ignore this and upload other things.
This allows you to send somebody a link to the stored data of a person.
Advanced Operation
By clicking on the name under the profile picture, the info panel opens. You can add additional information for your own account or anybody in your private library. For your own account, you could add more information about yourself, social media links or contact data, which other people can see. Or you make notes for the people in your private library, which only you can see. Any celebrity (public figure) is linked to the English Wikipedia, so you get the latest data about them.
The [Backward][Forward] buttons

These arrow buttons are to the left and right of [GO]. When you press one of them, the software will start going forward/backwards from your birth time, looking for any changes in the data. Once it reaches a change, you will hear a ping and see everything that changed highlighted. This works in the [EASY] and [GRAPH] mode. Pressing [GO] after it found a result, will return to the original birth time.
The [Trans] button
This shows the current position of the celestial bodies and their influence on your Focus. The birth time panel, changes to "Transit Data", so you can change the time of the transit shown. By default it shows the current time. Hovering with your mouse over the red Gates in the Graph will show you for how long they will be active. This is an estimate based on the average orbital speed of the celestial bodies and can be slightly off when some of them are in retrograde or above/below average speed at the time of observation.
Instead of UTC, you can also enter a local time by de-selecting the UTC box.
The [BT] button
This gives you detailed information for all the Channels and the Triangles, Hexagons and Circles for all Gates. You can click on any active Channel in the Graph or the planet symbols.
The [HD] button
BaanTu doesn't use Human Design calculations and interpretation. It's not part of Steve's latest books. Yet, for convenience and in case you bought some of Steve's Human Design based books in the past, this allows you to see the Gates, Lines, Colours, Tones, the I-Ching texts, Exaltations, Detriments, Channel information, Crosses, Variables and Profiles.
Click on the Channels to see the Channel texts, and click on the planet symbols to see the I-Ching. This also works in Relationship and Transit/Period mode. In Relationship mode, the white Detriments/Exaltations show what the person receives from the other. White Detriments and Exaltations can also be added by the Transit. It's a very complex mechanism.
When a Gate is in Detriment, it means that the Exalted text doesn't apply. If one has both Exaltation and Detriment, it means they can only occur together.